Uranium producer Kazatomprom released 2015 data this week that it said shows Kazakhstan remains one of the world's most abundant sources of natural uranium, with an output last year of 23,800 tons of uranium through enterprises held by Kazatomprom.
Included in this total are 13,000 tons produced through subsidiaries or other companies associated with Kazatomprom.
The company also said its Uranium Enrichment Center CJSC was able to produce approximately 5.11 million separate work units of enriched uranium materials in 2015.
The World Nuclear Association (WNA) said Kazakhstan provides approximately 12 percent of global uranium. It also said approximately 22,830 tons of uranium ore were produced in 2014.
The country is planning to build its first nuclear reactor by 2025.
Kazatomprom is a national operator that manages exports relating to uranium and other valuable minerals, rare metals, nuclear fuel and specialized equipment. The company's operations inclue uranium production, geological exploration and nuclear fuel cycle production.