Alvin Weinberg Foundation CEO Stephen Tindale explained in a recent interview how nuclear energy would play an important role in climate-change mitigation in the United Kingdom.
This interview was conducted as part of the Nuclear for Climate initiative, which was formed by the European Nuclear Society, the French Nuclear Society and the American Nuclear Society.
Tindale said climate-change solutions will not be found in a singular energy source.
"Even if you want to be 100 percent renewables, which not everyone does, but even if you do, it's going to take many decades to get there, probably 60 or 70 at least. So nuclear is an essential low-carbon bridge technology for those decades," Tindale said. "All the low-carbon options are needed to address climate change: nuclear, renewables, carbon capture and storage, and energy efficiency. We must accept that it has to be an all-of-the-above approach."
TIndale previously served as executive director of Greenpeace U.K. until 2007. The organization has campaigned against nuclear power.
The Alvin Weinberg Foundation has advocated for the advancement of nuclear technology in the energy sector.