Petition to update construction cost schedules for 2 nuclear unts in South Carolina is approved

SCANA Corp. announced on Wednesday approval of its subsidiary S.C. Electric and Gas Co.'s (SCE&G) petition to update the construction milestone schedule and capital cost schedules associated with the construction of two nuclear units in Jenkinsville, South Carolina.
In a unanimous decision, the Public Service Commission of South Carolina (SCPSC) approved the petition and stated that the company should continue negotiations with consortium entities in order to minimize costs related to any delay.

The approved schedule indicates that construction will be completed in June 2019 and 2020 for units 2 and 3 respectively at the Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Generating Station. This schedule is based on information from Chicago Bridge and Iron and Westinghouse Electric Co., which make up the consortium. In terms of capital costs, SCE&G reports that $539 million is associated with costs of schedule delays and contested costs in other areas. The total project cost is now estimated at an approximately $5.2 billion not including escalation and construction allowance funding.

Upon completion, the two additional nuclear reactors will have a generation capacity of 1,117 megawatts of electricity.

SCANA Corp. acts as a holding company in the energy sector and primarily operates through its subsidiaries that specialize in electric and natural gas utility applications and operations. The company serves approximately 1.3 million natural gas customers in the Carolinas and Georgia.